Rabu, 15 Februari 2017

Beasiswa Pertamina Foundation 2017

Beasiswa Pertamina Foundation 2017

Bagi kalian yang aktif memberikan kontribusi untuk lingkungan, Pertamina menawarkan beasiswa yang terbagi menjadi dua jenis, yaitu:
Beasiswa Pertamina Sobat Bumi
  • Tingkatan: Mahasiswa program S1(semester 5) di universitas yang menjadi mitra Pertamina Foundation (wilayah Indonesia bagian Barat dan Tengah)
  • Program studi: Semua program studi
  • Tanggungan: Tunjangan biaya kuliah maksimal Rp5 juta per semester dan bantuan biaya hidup Rp500.000,-/bulan, dukungan Aksi Sobat Bumi, dan training regular
  • Jadwal pendaftaran: Akhir tahun (sekitar bulan Oktober/November)
  • Informasi pendaftaran: Situs Resmi Pertamina Foundation
Beasiswa Pertamina Inspirasi Indonesia Timur
  • Tingkatan: Mahasiswa program S1(semester 3) di universitas yang menjadi mitra Pertamina Foundation (wilayah Indonesia bagian Timur)
  • Program studi: Semua program studi
  • Tanggungan: Tunjangan biaya kuliah maksimal Rp5 juta per semester dan bantuan biaya hidup Rp500.000,-/bulan, dukungan Aksi Sobat Bumi, dan training regular
  • Jadwal pendaftaran: Akhir tahun (sekitar bulan Oktober/November)
  • Informasi pendaftaran: Situs Resmi Pertamina Foundation

Beasiswa BCA Finance 2017 (Beasiswa PPA/PPTI BCA)

Beasiswa BCA Finance 2017 (Beasiswa PPA/PPTI BCA)

Sobat Galedu pasti sudah tidak asing dengan BCA (Bank Central Asia). Sebagai salah satu bank swasta terbesar yang ada di Indonesia, BCA turut menunjukkan kepeduliannya terhadap dunia pendidikan melalui Beasiswa BCA Finance yang diadakan dalam satu periode saja (satu kali dalam satu tahun).
  • Tingkatan: Mahasiswa program Strata 1 (S1)
  • Program studi: Semua program studi
  • Tanggungan: Tunjangan biaya kuliah senilai Rp3 juta per semester (sampai semester delapan)
  • Jadwal pendaftaran: Pertengahan tahun (sekitar bulan Juni)
  • Informasi pendaftaran: Halama Beasiswa BCA Finance

Djarum Beasiswa Plus 2017

Djarum Beasiswa Plus 2017

Beasiswa Djarum merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak beasiswa yang ditawarkan oleh perusahaan ternama. Melalui Djarum Foundation, salah satu bentuk program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ini tidak hanya memberikan dana beasiswa untuk para penerimanya yang dikenal dengan sebutan Beswan Djarum, namun juga melengkapi mereka dengan rangkaian pelatihan soft skill yang berguna untuk karir para Beswan Djarum di masa depan.
  • Tingkatan: Mahasiswa program S1 dan D4 (D4 Politeknik) yang ada di universitas mitra Djarum
  • Program studi: Semua program studi
  • Tanggungan: Tunjangan biaya pendidikan selama 1 tahun dan berbagai pelatihan pengembangan soft skills
  • Jadwal pendaftaran: Pertengahan tahun (sekitar bulan April/Mei)
  • Informasi pendaftaran: Situs Djarum Beasiswa Plus

Beasiswa DataPrint 2017

Beasiswa DataPrint 2017

DataPrint memberikan beasiswa pendidikan sebagai program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) sejak tahun 2011. Pemberian beasiswa DataPrint diselenggarakan dalam 2 periode (2 kali dalam setahun), di mana para penerima beasiswa periode 1 tidak berhak menerima beasiswa di periode ke-2.
  • Tingkatan: Pelajar SMP/SMA dan Mahasiswa program D3/D4/S1
  • Program studi: Semua program studi
  • Tanggungan: Bantuan tunai senilai Rp1 juta/Rp500.000,-/Rp250.000,-
  • Jadwal pendaftaran: akhir Januari – Juni (Periode 1) & awal Juli – Desember (Periode 2)
  • Informasi pendaftaran : Situs resmi Beasiswa DataPrint

Beasiswa Tanoto Foundation 2017

Beasiswa Tanoto Foundation 2017

Tanoto Foundation merupakan sebuah lembaga sosial yang didirikan pada tahun 1981 oleh Sukanto Tanoto dan Tinah Bingei Tanoto untuk mewujudkan kontribusi dalam penanggulangan masalah kemiskinan melalui tiga pilar (pendidikan, pemberdayaan, dan peningkatan kualitas hidup). Dalam bidang pendidikan, beasiswa yang ditawarkan Tanoto Foundation ada enam jenis. Berikut ini beasiswa Tanoto Foundation untuk tingkat S1:
National Champion Scholarship 2017
Beasiswa ini diberikan untuk mahasiswa program S1 maupun S2 yang menempuh pendidikan di perguruan tinggi mitra Tanoto Foundation. Daftar universitas mitra untuk program S1 maupun S2 dapat dilihat di website resmi Tanoto Foundation. Beasiswa ini diberikan tanpa adanya ikatan dinas.
  • Tingkatan: Mahasiswa program S1 (maks. 21 tahun) & S2 (maks. 40 tahun) yang ada di universitas mitra Tanoto Foundation
  • Program studi: Semua program studi
  • Tanggungan:
    • Tunjangan biaya kuliah maksimum Rp5 juta per semester sampai semester delapan (untuk program S1); maksimum Rp15 juta per semester sampai semester empat (untuk program S2)
    • Program pelatihan, pengabdian masyarakat, pengembangan network, konseling, serta magang
    • Kesempatan mengikuti seleksi beasiswa ikatan dinas Tanoto Foundation
  • Jadwal pendaftaran: 4 Januari 2017 – 15 Maret 2017
  • Informasi pendaftaran: Situs resmi Tanoto Foundation

Daftar universitas mitra Tanoto Foundation
Regional Champion Scholarship 2017
Berbeda dengan National Champion Scholarship, beasiswa Regional Champion Scholarship dilengkapi dengan kesempatan ikatan dinas secara langsung, dan hanya tersedia untuk mahasiswa jenjang S1 yang menempuh pendidikan di 19 perguruan tinggi yang menjadi mitra Tanoto Foundation di Indonesia. Daftar 19 perguruan tinggi tersebut dapat dilihat di situs resmi Tanoto Foundation.
  • Tingkatan: Mahasiswa program S1yang ada di universitas mitra Tanoto Foundation
  • Program studi:
    • Fakultas Pertanian/Kehutanan: Teknik Pertanian, Agronomi/Budidaya Pertanian, Pemuliaan Tanaman, Hama & Penyakit Tanaman, Ilmu Tanah, Kehutanan
    • Fakultas Teknik: Teknik Mesin, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Fisika (Instrument), Teknik Elektro (Arus Kuat, Arus Lemah/Instrumen), Teknik Lingkungan
    • Fakultas Ekonomi: Akuntansi
    • Fakultas Psikologi: Psikologi
    • Fakultas Hukum: Hukum
  • Tanggungan: Bantuan biaya pendidikan (informasi lebih lanjut ada di website resmi Tanoto Foundation)
  • Jadwal pendaftaran: Batas pengiriman formulir pendaftaran 31 Januari 2017
  • Informasi pendaftaran: Situs resmi Tanoto Foundation

Beasiswa Unggulan Kemdikbud: BU Masyarakat Berprestasi 2017

Beasiswa Unggulan Kemdikbud: BU Masyarakat Berprestasi 2017

Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan secara rutin memberikan kesempatan untuk meraih beasiswa dalam beberapa program. Salah satunya adalah beasiswa yang diperuntukkan ke program pendidikan S1, yaitu Beasiswa Unggulan Masyarakat Berprestasi.
Berbeda dengan Bidikmisi, tidak cuma jenjang S1, Beasiswa Unggulan (BU) juga tersedia untuk mahasiswa program S2 dan S3 serta untuk Sobat Galedu yang berencana menempuh pendidikan di luar negeri.
  • Tingkatan: Mahasiswa program S1 (maksimal 21 tahun)/S2 (maksimal 35 tahun)/S3 (maksimal 40 tahun)
  • Program studi: Semua program studi yang diprioritaskan negara (dapat dilihat di website resmi)
  • Tanggungan: Biaya hidup, biaya pendidikan sebagian/seluruhnya, biaya buku, penelitian, publikasi ilmiah, asuransi (untuk dalam negeri)
  • Jadwal pendaftaran : Dibuka sepanjang tahun dengan pengumuman yang disampaikan dalam jangka waktu tertentu (umumnya 2 periode)
  • Informasi pendaftaran: Situs resmi Beasiswa Unggulan Kemdikbud

Beasiswa Bidikmisi 2017

Beasiswa Bidikmisi 2017

Mungkin sebagian besar dari Sobat Galedu sudah tidak asing lagi dengan Bidikmisi. Bidikmisi agak berbeda dengan beasiswa pada umumnya. Untuk mendapatkan beasiswa ini, salah satu syarat yang harus dipenuhi adalah calon pendaftar termasuk kriteria tidak mampu secara ekonomi, yakni merupakan penerima Beasiswa Siswa Miskin (BSM)/pemegang Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP) atau sejenisnya, atau pendapatan kotor gabungan orangtua maksimal sebesar Rp3 juta bulan.
Pendaftaran Bidikmisi juga tidak dipungut biaya. Sobat Galedu yang ingin mendaftar dapat memilih PTN dengan pilihan seleksi masuk SNMPTN/SBMPTN, politeknik/UT/ISI, maupun PTS.
  • Tingkatan: Siswa SMA/SMK/MA atau sederajat lulusan tahun 2017 atau lulusan tahun 2016 (bukan penerima Bidikmisi) maksimal berusia 21 tahun
  • Program studi : Semua program studi
  • Tanggungan
    • Bebas biaya pendaftaran SNMPTN, SBMPTN, seleksi mandiri
    • Bebas biaya pendidikan di perguruan tinggi
    • Bantuan biaya hidup mulai dari Rp600.000,-/bulan sesuai biaya hidup wilayah
  • Jadwal pendaftaran
    • Pendaftaran Siswa & Sekolah: Februari – September
    • Seleksi Mandiri PTN: Februari – September
    • SNMPTN: Februari – Maret
    • PMDK-PN: Februari – Mei
    • SBMPTN: April – Mei
    • Seleksi Mandiri PTS: April – September
    • UMPN: Mei – Juni
  • Informasi pendaftaran : Situs resmi Bidikmisi

ATB Buka Pendaftaran Beasiswa Pelajar dan Mahasiswa Berprestasi Tahun 2017

ATB Buka Pendaftaran Beasiswa Pelajar dan Mahasiswa Berprestasi Tahun 2017

BATAM,TRIBUNNEWS.COM, BATAM - PT Adhya Tirta Batam (ATB) kembali memberi kesempatan beasiswa bagi pelajar dan mahasiswa berprestasi se-Kota Batam untuk tahun 2017.
Program bertajuk Beasiswa ATB Peduli Pendidikan 2017 dengan nilai Rp 100 juta per semester ini, merupakan bagian dari program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), sekaligus sebuah komitmen kepedulian ATB untuk memajukan pendidikan di Kota Batam.
"Dengan adanya beasiswa dari ATB ini. kiranya dapat memotivasi para pelajar dan mahasiswa untuk terus berprestasi," terang Enriqo Moreno, Corporate Communications Manager ATB.
Untuk Program Beasiswa Berprestasi 2017, ATB menyiapkan beasiswa untuk 24 pelajar untuk tingkat Sekolah menengah tingkat atas (SMA) dan Kejuruan, serta 10 Mahasiswa berprestasi di Kota Batam.
Jumlah nominal per-paket beasiswa yang akan diberikan kepada para pelajar berprestasi tersebut adalah Rp 2,5 juta per pelajar setiap semesternya, sedangkan untuk mahasiswa sebesar Rp 4 Juta per semesternya.
Pendaftaran beasiswa ini, mulai dibuka mulai dari 6 Februari hingga 24 Februari 2017 mendatang.
Sedangkan persyaratannya adalah pelajar (untuk tingkat SMA/Kejuruan) berprestasi sebagai Juara Umum di kelas 1, 2 atau 3 pada Semester Ganjil Tahun ajaran 2016/2017, berasal dari keluarga tidak mampu, tidak terkena sanksi akademik dan yang terpenting tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari sumber lain.
Sementara untuk perguruan tinggi program Diploma 3 dan Strata Satu (S1) berstatus negeri ataupun swasta dengan akreditasi program studi minimal B, berlokasi di Pulau Batam, Minimal IP 3,75, menyertakan KHS Semester Ganjil Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017, berasal dari keluarga tidak mampu, tidak terkena sanksi akademik dan yang tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari sumber lain.
Untuk informasi lebih lengkap dan formulir pendaftarannya bisa dilihat dan diunduh di website ATB di www.atbbatam.com atau dapat menghubungi Corporate Communication ATB di 0778 465566 ext. 2204 - 2205.

MPD Buka Pendaftaran Beasiswa

MPD Buka Pendaftaran Beasiswa

* Khusus Beasiswa Tugas Akhir untuk Mahasiswa Miskin
LHOKSEUMAWE - Majelis Pendidikan Daerah (MPD) Kabupaten Aceh Utara, kembali membuka pendaftaran pengajuan proposal beasiswa bagi mahasiswa miskin yang sedang menyusun tugas akhir/skripsi/tesis dan disertasi, untuk dicairkan pada 2018. Masa penerimaan berkas dibuka mulai 30 Januari sampai 3 Maret 2017.
Ketua MPD Aceh Utara, Drs Ibrahim Bewa kepada Serambi, Rabu (25/1) mengatakan, pihaknya akan segera menyurati semua perguruan tinggi yang ada di seluruh Aceh dan di luar Provinsi Aceh yang menampung mahasiswa asal Aceh Utara, untuk memberitahukan informasi tentang beasiswa tersebut.
Beasiswa tugas akhir untuk mahasiswa miskin itu, bersumber dari Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Kabupaten (APBK) Aceh Utara. “Kita harapkan proses seleksi beasiswa ini bisa tuntas pada bulan Mei mendatang, sehingga dapat diajukan ke Pemkab Aceh Utara sebelum pembahasan anggaran tahun 2018,” kata Ibrahim Bewa kepada Serambi, kemarin.
Ibrahim Bewa menyebutkan, alokasi beasiswa untuk masing-masing jenjang berbeda. Bagi mahasiswa Diploma Tiga (D-III) akan mendapat Rp 800 ribu, D-IV dan S1 Rp 1 juta, S2 Rp 2 juta dan S3 Rp 3 juta. “Namun jika nanti anggarannya bertambah, jumlah beasiswa yang akan diberikan juga bertambah,” katanya.
Sementara persyaratan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa tersebut, antara lainmemiliki kartu tanda penduduk (KTP) Aceh Utara. Melampirkan foto kopi kartu keluarga (KK) dilegalisir keuchik, KTP, surat keterangan miskin dari keuchik, Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal 3, bukti pembayaran SPP, dan buku rekening bank.
“Persyaratan lengkap nanti akan ditempelkan saat jadwal penerimaan proposal beasiswa dibuka,” katanya.
Ditambahkan, beasiswa tersebut tidak berlaku bagi PNS dan karyawan BUMD/BUMN. “Setelah penerimaan berkas, kita akan verifikasi. Kita juga akan berkunjung ke rumah calon penerima beasiswa, untuk melihat apakah mereka layak menerima beasiswa atau tidak, sehingga beasiswa tersebut benar-benar tepat sasaran,” demikian Ibrahim Bewa.(jaf)
* syarat pemohon beasiswa
- Mahasiswa D-3/D-4/S1/S2/S3 ber-KTP Aceh Utara
- Fotokopi kartu keluarga (KK) yang dilegalisir keuchik
- Melampirkan fotokopi KTP
- Melampirkan surat keterangan miskin dari keuchik
- Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal 3
- Melampirkan bukti pembayaran SPP
- Melampirkan buku rekening bank
- Beasiswa ini tidak berlaku bagi PNS dan karyawan BUMD/BUMN
- Pendaftaran mulai 30 Januari sampai 3 Maret 2017

Rabu, 01 Februari 2017

University of Twente

University of Twente

Beasiswa untuk program Master di University of Twente

Program studi Master
Informasi beasiswa
  • Jumlah: 2 (dua)
  • Jenis: Pemberian total nilai beasiswa terbagi selama 5 tahapan selama tahun pertama studi
  • Nilai: € 25,000 masing-masing penerima beasiswa
  • Catatan: Perpanjangan beasiswa untuk tahun ke-2 masih memungkinkan jika mahasiswa memperoleh min. 30 EC dengan CGPA ≥ 7.0 sebelum tahun pertama berakhir.
Deadline aplikasi 1 Mei 2017

University of Twente
Studying at the University of Twente means enterprising studying. Education at the University of Twente revolves around several core principles: a multidisciplinary, project-based approach, student-driven learning in which the needs of the student are the focus, and peer-based learning in which the learning environment is more natural and in which students learn from each other. We are living in an ever-changing world. With the increasing role of technology our society is constantly evolving and facing many new challenges. As a technology-driven research University we are preparing our students for the future as tomorrow's global citizens. We provide excellent education and research, in the fields of Biomedical-, Nano- and Information Technologies, combined with relevant Governance and Behavioural Sciences.
High Tech, Human Touch!
We distinguish ourselves from other universities by the impact we create through the transfer of scientific knowledge and the number of our spin-off companies; we are the most entrepreneurial university of Europe. That is what the University of Twente, home to 10,000 students and 3,200 employees, stands for. The University of Twente is proud to be the only campus-based university in the Netherlands. Our campus boasts a variety of facets, ranging from a park-like landscape and open air architectural museum to a hub for 'golden ideas' and a 'living lab'. It's a place where education, research, accommodation, sports, culture and student life come together. Our accommodation, sports and cultural facilities are unique and we host events such as the world's largest student think tank, Create Tomorrow. The largest student sports event in the Netherlands, the Batavieren Race, is also one of the legends of the Twente campus. The campus at Twente makes an ideal living environment - it's a hive of activity and a truly inspirational place to be! The University of Twente is at the core of society and has an outward-looking perspective. Working together with companies is an essential component of this. After all, today's students are tomorrow's professionals. Apart from contact with (semi-) government authorities, alumni and other universities, we maintain intensive contact with our industrial partners, both national and international ones.
Important Note:
The OTS is part of the University of Twente Scholarship Programme. Please visit the website of the University of Twente for the eligibility criteria http://www.utwente.nl/en/education/master/admission-requirements/
In case of a two-year study program, students can receive an additional OTS of an amount equal to that in the first year to cover the expenses of the second year.
However, the scholarship will only be continued during the second year when students meet the following requirements. After receiving the grade results of the third quartile of the first academic year you must have obtained a minimum of 30 EC with a CGPA of ≥ 7.0.

Dokumen yang dibutuhkan
  • Formulir pendaftaran OTS
  • Bukti telah diterima di University of Twente (Letter of Admission conditional/unconditional) 

*jika masih belum memiliki Letter of Admission tidak dapat mendaftar untuk OTS skema Twente
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang University of Twente, bisa menghubungi:
Scholarship Office

0031 53 489 3908
Untuk informasi mengenai Orange Tulip Scholarship Indonesia, mohon menghubungi
Nuffic Neso Indonesia

(021) 5290-2172
Klik di sini untuk mengunduh formulir pendaftaran OTS atau jika ingin membaca Frequently Asked Questions.

Institute of Engineering - Sensor System Engineering Master Programme

Institute of Engineering - Sensor System Engineering Master Programme

Beasiswa untuk program Master di Hanze University of Applied Sciences-Institute of Engineering

Program studi Master: Sensor System Engineering Master Programme
Informasi beasiswa
  • Jumlah: 1 (satu) 
  • Jenis: beasiswa potongan biaya studi (discount on standard tuition fee)
  • Nilai: € 3,000
Deadline aplikasi 1 May 2017

Sensor System Engineering Master Programme
Are you passionate about technology and engineering? Are you open minded, do you like to stretch boundaries to find out what is out there? Can you apply yourself, developing new ways to move the technology ahead, specifically in the health domain? Then take a moment to consider the opportunity to join us for one year to complete the Sensor System Engineering (SSE) master's programme.
This master prepares you for a bright future in the fascinating world of advanced sensor applications. A domain that is rapidly growing, providing all kinds of interesting prospects for you, ambitious engineers. Within the globally important domain of health, sensor applications will provide totally new ways to monitor, heal, treat and care for people.
Sensors affect and benefit the lives of billions of people world-wide. Healthcare is one of the main areas where the innovative applications of sensors becomes increasingly important. Quite a promising prospect for you as a future sensor specialist, with expertise in said area.
The Sensor System Engineering master's is recognised programme, offering a challenging schedule to students. This means 10 ECs are added to the regular 60 ECs master's programme. You will be expected to show creativity and the drive to discover new solutions by yourself. Naturally, you will be supported by the lecturing staff, as well as experts from industry, health and applied research.
After graduation you will receive a Master of Science diploma. The honours module is mentioned in the diploma and the diploma supplement. Duration of the programme is 12 months. Full tuition fee is 7500,00 EUR.
As a Master of Engineering you will qualify for a variety of jobs in the following domains. You can make a career in the health domain, developing products and services that involve sensor innovations for medical devices, domotics and home care. Another promising career move is to apply for a job in the technology domain, where you will develop technical sensor applications. A scientific research environment is another great place for you as a master. Here you will work alongside scientists who are focused on high tech research projects as genome sequencing or seismic monitoring systems.
Graduates of relevant bachelor's programmes, such as Bachelor of Science, Engineering and ICT, most likely have to enrol in a special pre-master or bridging programme before admittance to the main one year Master programme. Our Admissions Committee requires a portfolio (admission form) containing extensive information about your previous education. This portfolio will be considered carefully by the Admissions Committee to determine whether you can be accepted directly into the master's programme or whether a pre-master course is necessary. You may also be rejected if your past education does not meet the necessary criteria. Once you are admitted, the Admissions Committee will send you a formal letter of acceptance, including official information about visa procedures, housing, insurance and so on.
  • Akademis: gelar S1
  • Bahasa Inggris: TOEFL iBT min. 90 atau IELTS min. 6.5 atau Cambridge ESOL min. CAE-C
  • Pengalaman kerja: tidak wajib memiliki pengalaman kerja
  • Persyaratan tambahan: Mengisi FORMULIR PENDAFTARAN(90 kB) universitas

 Dokumen yang dibutuhkan
  • Formulir pendaftaran OTS
  • Mengisi formulir pendaftaran universitas (admission form)

Informasi lebih lanjut dan alamat
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang Institute of Engineering - Sensor System Engineering Master Programme, bisa menghubungi:
Ekaterina Gurchenkova

+31 (0) 5059 5114 8
Untuk informasi mengenai Orange Tulip Scholarship Indonesia, mohon menghubungi
Nuffic Neso Indonesia

(021) 5290-2172
Klik di sini untuk mengunduh formulir pendaftaran OTS atau jika ingin membaca Frequently Asked Questions.

International Business School - Master in International Business and Management (MIBM)

International Business School - Master in International Business and Management (MIBM)

Beasiswa untuk program Master di bidang bisnis di Hanze University of Applied Sciences.

Program studi Master in International Business and Management (MIBM)
Informasi beasiswa
  • Jumlah: 1 (satu) 
  • Jenis: beasiswa potongan biaya studi (tuition fee waiver)
  • Nilai: € 3,000
Deadline aplikasi 1 May 2017

Master in International Business and Management (MIBM)
The Master in International Business and Management programme is a full time postgraduate programme for graduates of business administration and business-related disciplines (economics or management). The programme challenges you to apply business and management theories to current international business practice. To prepare you for a career in international business you experience a strong focus on the key professional skills of intercultural communication, creative thinking, personal development and leadership. The programme offers direct entry to suitable graduates and requires no additional work experience. It prepares ambitious graduates for international management positions in e.g. marketing, human resources and finance departments at companies of all sizes.
At the end of the second semester you will receive an invitation to the boardroom: literally. In business simulation game “Invitation to the boardroom” you and your fellow students will be invited to work on the boardroom case of a real company. We will set you up with a task, a real life boardroom problem that you have to solve in limited time, with limited resources and changing parameters. You will get a role of a boardroom executive and you will come up with your strategic direction and the board will decide which proposal they follow. This business game requires you to put into practice all that you have learned.
The tuition fee for the MIBM programme is €11000,00. The programme starts in September and has duration of 18 months. Graduates of the MIBM programme are awarded an internationally recognised MBA degree worth 90 ECTS, accredited by the NVAO (Dutch and Flemish Accreditation Organisation).
IBS runs a popular Double Degree Programme with the Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) in Cambridge, United Kingdom. The programme allows students to complete the second semester at ARU. This is a unique opportunity to enjoy a truly diverse international experience. Students participating in the Double Degree Programme obtain two officially recognised international degrees, within 18 months: Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Hanze University UAS and Master of Science in International Business (MSc) from ARU in Cambridge. Furthermore, the tuition fee for the Double Degree Programme is same as the regular MIBM programme.
  • Akademis: gelar S1
  • Bahasa Inggris: TOEFL iBT min. 80 atau IELTS min. 6 TOEIC min. 670
  • Pengalaman kerja: tidak wajib memiliki pengalaman kerja

 Dokumen yang dibutuhkan
  • Formulir pendaftaran OTS
  • CV (dalam bahasa Inggris)
  • Motivation letter (dalam bahasa Inggris)

Informasi lebih lanjut dan alamat
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang International Business School - Hanze University of Applied Sciences, bisa menghubungi:
Ekaterina Gurchenkova

+31 (0) 5059 5114 8
Untuk informasi mengenai Orange Tulip Scholarship Indonesia, mohon menghubungi
Nuffic Neso Indonesia

(021) 5290-2172
Klik di sini untuk mengunduh formulir pendaftaran OTS atau jika ingin membaca Frequently Asked Questions.

International Business School - Master of Business Administration (MBA)

International Business School - Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Beasiswa untuk program Master di bidang bisnis di Hanze University of Applied Sciences.

Program studi Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Informasi beasiswa
  • Jumlah: 1 (satu) 
  • Jenis: beasiswa potongan biaya studi (tuition fee waiver)
  • Nilai: € 3,000
Deadline aplikasi 1 May 2017

Master of Business Administration (MBA)
The Master of Business Administration (MBA) full-time programme is targeted at business professionals who want to become tomorrow’s leaders and managers, and who are looking for a comprehensive education in business management in a fully international environment. In this programme you learn to integrate the main business processes into effective and efficient corporate strategies. In addition, you learn to deal with the diverse and sometimes diverging interests of various stakeholders involved in international business. The programme focuses on leading sustainable changes in business and society.
We attract students from all over the world, resulting in cross-cultural interactions and a high diversity in our classrooms and during project work. This is the ultimate climate to train your intercultural skills. IBS provides its students with valuable access to an extensive network of alumni, businesses and academic relations.
Our courses are delivered in small groups with intensive contact between students and staff. Next to lectures and workshops, you will work in teams, as well as individually on practice-based and experience-based projects and case studies.
The first two semesters are characterised by course work and the third semester focuses on conducting applied research in either a business context or in an area linked to the start-up of a new company.
The full tuition fee for the MBA programme is €13900,00. The programme starts in September and has duration of 18 months. Graduates of the MBA programme are awarded an internationally recognised MBA degree worth 90 ECTS, accredited by the NVAO (Dutch and Flemish Accreditation Organisation).
IBS offers also an MBA Double Degree programme with the International Graduate Center (IGC) at the Hochschule Bremen, Germany. This programme consists of four semesters: During the first two semesters students study at IBS. In the third semester, students relocate to IGC, Bremen. The fourth semester sees students complete a joint thesis. There are three master’s programmes offered at IGC for students taking part in the Double Degree:
  • Master in Global Management (MBA)
  • International Tourism Management (MBA)
Information about the tuition fee for the MBA Double Degree programme will be announced additionally.
  • Akademis: gelar S1
  • Bahasa Inggris: TOEFL iBT min. 80 atau IELTS min. 6.0 atau TOEIC min. 670
  • Pengalaman kerja: minimal 3 tahun pengalaman kerja

 Dokumen yang dibutuhkan
  • Formulir pendaftaran OTS
  • CV (dalam bahasa Inggris)
  • Motivation letter (dalam bahasa Inggris)

Informasi lebih lanjut dan alamat
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang International Business School - Master of Business Administration (MBA), bisa menghubungi:
Ekaterina Gurchenkova

+31 (0) 5059 5114 8
Untuk informasi mengenai Orange Tulip Scholarship Indonesia, mohon menghubungi
Nuffic Neso Indonesia

(021) 5290-2172
Klik di sini untuk mengunduh formulir pendaftaran OTS atau jika ingin membaca Frequently Asked Questions.

School of Communication, Media and IT - Master International Communication

School of Communication, Media and IT - Master International Communication

Beasiswa untuk program Master International Communication di Hanze University of Applied Sciences.

Program studi Master International Communication
Informasi beasiswa
  • Jumlah: Tergantung jumlah aplikasi dan kualitas
  • Jenis: beasiswa 25% potongan biaya studi (25% tuition fee waiver)
Deadline aplikasi 1 Mei 2017

Master International Communication
2 European universities, 2 Master’s Degrees, 1.5 years of unforgettable and once in a life time experience.
The Master in International Communication (MIC) is an ambitious double degree programme offered by the Geert Hofstede Consortium. Together with Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Vilnius University, IULM University and Leeds Beckett University, MIC offers you the opportunity to study at two of these universities and graduate with two degrees and a consortium certificate. The programme is for those who aspire to an international career as a communication practitioner in managerial or consultancy positions, responsible for the external and internal communication of an organization. It focuses on developing competencies that enhance interdisciplinary cooperation and aims to prepare a new generation of leaders, innovators and influencers.
The programme
The MIC is a three-semester programme (90 European Credits). The programme starts each September and consists of three semesters (90 European credits). During the first semester you will study at one of the consortium universities, and for your second semester you will study at one of the other consortium universities. During the third semester, you will write your dissertation under the supervision of these two universities.
Career Prospects
80% of the MIC graduates find suitable jobs within 6 months after graduation. Job titles includes: Communications manager, Communications consultant, Director of communication and external relations, Marketing & communications executive, Senior international relations officer. Companies where our graduates have found positions include Google, Edelman PR, Ogilvy Group, Walt Disney, Hewlett Packard, IBM, ABN-Amro bank and governmental institutions.

The Orange Tulip Scholarship and other grants
The Orange Tulip Scholarships offered by the MIC programme consists of a tuition fee deduction of 25%, the exact amount will depend on the combination of universities you chose to study at. This grant will be available for one to two applicant(s), depending on the number of qualified applicants. Once students start the programme, the Erasmus+ study aboard grant will also be available to them in the second and third semester.
In order to apply for this grant you need to start the MIC at Hanze UAS in Groningen, the Netherlands.
  • Akademis: gelar S1
  • Bahasa Inggris: TOEFL min. 90 (internet) atau IELTS min. 6.5 (tidak ada sub-score di bawah 5.5)
  • Pengalaman kerja: tidak diwajibkan
  • Persyaratan tambahan: studi S1 di bidang komunikasi, humaniora, ilmu sosial, bisnis, manajemen. Pengalaman kerja intensif di bidang-bidang ini akan dipertimbangkan. IELTS dan TOEFL diambil tidak lebih dari 2 tahun lalu.

 Dokumen yang dibutuhkan
  • Formulir pendaftaran OTS
  • Bukti telah memulai pendaftaran/diterima di program MIC di Hanze University of Applied Sciences

Informasi lebih lanjut dan alamat
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang School of Communication, Media and IT - Hanze University of Applied Sciences, bisa menghubungi:
Dania Fang

+31 50 595 1130
Untuk informasi mengenai Orange Tulip Scholarship Indonesia, mohon menghubungi
Nuffic Neso Indonesia

(021) 5290-2172
Klik di sini untuk mengunduh formulir pendaftaran OTS atau jika ingin membaca Frequently Asked Questions.

Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences

Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences

Beasiswa untuk program Master dan Bachelor (Final Year) di Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences.

Program studi
Informasi beasiswa
  • Jumlah: 6 untuk program Master dan 2 untuk program Bachelor Final Year (top-up)
  • Jenis: beasiswa pengurangan biaya studi (tuition fee waiver)
  • Nilai: € 7,500 (Master); € 5,000 (Final Year Bachelor)
Deadline aplikasi 1 April 2017

Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences
With around 500 students and 70+ nationalities, Wittenborg is one of the most diverse and multicultural Universities of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. All programmes at Wittenborg are offered in English, and all students and staff communicate in English.
At Wittenborg you can study many different courses. We offer 10 specializations in International Business Administration (Bachelor). Applicants of OTS can apply for one of the following IBA specializations: Economics & Management, Information Management, Marketing & Communication, Financial Service Management, International Trade & Logistics, Event Management, International Tourism Management and Real Estate Management.
The Master of Science programmes at Wittenborg are offered in partnership with the University of Brighton. Staff members from the University of Brighton teach their modules at the Wittenborg campus in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. Graduates of the MSc programme are awarded a double (UK and Dutch) degree.
As of February 2015, Wittenborg also offers the MBA (Master of Business Administration) programme. Students can choose between three specializations: General Management, Hospitality & Service Management and Entrepreneurship & Innovation. The MBA programme is designed for students with at least 2 years of work experience who search to broaden their education and improve their management skills.
  • Akademis: gelar S1 (untuk program Master); 3 tahun pendidikan di perguruan tinggi (atau setara dengan Higher National Diploma di Belanda) di bidang bisnis/sejenisnya (untuk Final Year Bachelor)
  • Bahasa Inggris: TOEFL iBT min 79 untuk Final Year Bachelor; min. 90 untuk Master / IELTS minimal 6.5 untuk Final Year Bachelor; min. 6.5 (dengan skor Writing min. 6.0) untuk Master
  • Pengalaman kerja: 2 tahun pengalaman kerja untuk program studi MBA

Dokumen yang dibutuhkan
  • Formulir OTS
  • Ijazah pendidikan terakhir (dalam bahasa Inggris, legalisir)
  • Transkrip nilai pendidikan terakhir (dalam bahasa Inggris, legalisir)
  • Sertifikat internet-based TOEFL atau IELTS
  • CV (dalam bahasa Inggris)
  • Motivation letter (dalam bahasa Inggris)
  • 2 buah surat rekomendasi (khusus untuk program Master)
  • Fotokopi/scan halaman identitas paspor (jika sudah memiliki paspor)
  • Formulir pendaftaran Wittenborg yang telah diisi lengkap
  • Salinan akta kelahiran (dilegalisir oleh Kedutaan Belanda di Indonesia; hanya dibutuhkan untuk lapor diri setelah tiba di Belanda dan bisa dikirimkan menyusul)

Informasi lebih lanjut dan alamat
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences, bisa menghubungi:
Florian Oosterberg

+31 88 6672688
Untuk informasi mengenai Orange Tulip Scholarship Indonesia, mohon menghubungi
Nuffic Neso Indonesia

(021) 5290-2172
Klik di sini untuk mengunduh formulir pendaftaran OTS atau jika ingin membaca Frequently Asked Questions.

Zuyd University of Applied Sciences - International Office

Zuyd University of Applied Sciences - International Office

Beasiswa program Bachelor dan Master di Zuyd University of Applied Sciences

Program studi Program Bachelor, di bidang studi sebagai berikut
  1. European Studies BA
  2. Hospitality Management BA
  3. Interdisciplinary Arts BA
  4. International Business BA
  5. Music BA

Program Master, di bidang studi sebagai berikut:
  • Music MA
  • Master of Interior Architecture MA
Informasi beasiswa
  • Jumlah: 2 (dua)
  • Jenis: potongan biaya studi (tuition fee waiver) per tahun akademis selama masa studi (jika mahasiswa memenuhi persyaratan)
  • Nilai: € 3,600 per tahun
Deadline aplikasi 1 April 2017

Zuyd is a university of applied sciences (with over 40 bachelor’s and 12 master’s degree programmes), offering highly rated education and applied research with a strong orientation to professional practice. Our university is located in the southeast of the Netherlands and is one of the larger universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands.
At its campuses in the city of Maastricht, Zuyd offers bachelor's and master's degree programmes that welcome international students, for four-year study programmes as well as for study exchange programmes.
Inspired by its strategic location in the heart of Europe, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences trains students for international careers. We actively support and facilitate international work placements and study abroad programmes for all students. Our internationally oriented courses, foreign language training and intercultural awareness classes prepare students for the globalising job market. Our university cooperates extensively with educational institutions all over the world and companies both in our region and abroad.
Despite the large student numbers - Zuyd has over 15,000 students of more than 40 nationalities- the study programmes feel comfortably small-scale and personal in set-up. Students work in small groups with approachable lecturers, to stimulate interaction and active learning. The programmes offer a well-balanced mix of lectures, projects, group and individual assignments.  All programmes taught in English have international classrooms in which students are challenged to experience the values of cultural diversity.
Zuyd University of Applied Sciences is located in the southernmost part of the country, where the borders of the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium meet.  Cities like Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, London and Cologne are within easy reach. At this crossroads of countries, cultures and languages it offers an international and vibrant learning environment to students.
Over 10% of Maastricht’s residents are students, almost half of whom come from abroad. The city is one of the most popular study destinations in the Netherlands for international students. In the historic city centre you will find all a student needs: bars, restaurants  and  many shops.  There is plenty of entertainment for an active student life with great theatres, cinemas, festivals, jazz cafés and sports facilities for students. Maastricht is a relatively small and safe city with an international
  • Akademis: ijazah SMA/sederajat
  • Bahasa Inggris: iBT min. 80 atau IELTS min. 6.0 atau TOEIC (reading, writing, speaking, listening) min. 670
  • Persyaratan tambahan: hasil studi di atas rata-rata dan motivasi kuat
Dokumen yang dibutuhkan
  • Formulir OTS
  • Bukti telah memulai pendaftaran / telah diterima di Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
  • CV (dalam bahasa Inggris)
  • 1 buah surat rekomendasi

Informasi lebih lanjut dan alamat
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang Zuyd University of Applied Sciences dan program-program studi yang ditawarkan, bisa mengunjungi www.zuyd.nl/international atau menghubungi:
Hilde Krul 

+31 (0)6 39 46 44 73
Untuk informasi mengenai Orange Tulip Scholarship Indonesia, mohon menghubungi
Nuffic Neso Indonesia

(021) 5290-2172
Klik di sini untuk mengunduh formulir pendaftaran OTS atau jika ingin membaca Frequently Asked Questions.

University of Groningen - Faculty of Arts

University of Groningen - Faculty of Arts

Beasiswa untuk program Master di Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen

Program studi 1-year programmes (60 EC)
American Studies
Ancient History
Applied Linguistics
Art History
Arts, Culture and Media
Classical and Mediterranean Archaeology
Digital Humanities
East Asian Studies
English Literature and Culture
European Integration
European Linguistics
European Literatures and Cultures
Global Governance
History of Architecture and Town Planning
History Today
Information Science
International Political Economy
International Relations and International Organization
International Security
Middle Eastern Studies
Prehistory and Protohistory of Northwest Europe
Writing, Editing and Mediating
1,5 year pogrammes (90EC)
International Humanitarian Action/NOHA (Erasmus Mundus, joint degree)
2-year programmes (120 Ec)
Archaeology (Gradschool)
Classical, Medieval and Early modern studies (Gradschool)
Clinical Linguistics/EMCL (joint degree)
Cultural leadership (Gradschool)
Euroculture (Erasmus Mundus, joint degree)
Language and Communication Technologies/LCT (Erasmus Mundus, double degree)
Language and Cognition (Gradschool)
Literary and Cultural Studies (Gradschool)
Modern History and International Relations (Gradschool)
Informasi beasiswa
  • Jumlah: 2 (dua)
  • Jenis: beasiswa bantuan sebagian biaya hidup
  • Nilai: tiap beasiswa bernilai € 450 per bulan (selama masa studi)
Deadline aplikasi 1 April 2017
Informasi tambahan Detail informasi tentang program-program Master, mata kuliah dan persyaratan pendaftaran, harap cek http://www.rug.nl/education/international-students/application-procedure/

University of Groningen
Founded in 1614 the University of Groningen is one of the oldest universities in the Netherlands and has an
international reputation as one of the leading research universities. It is a university with a modern, studentoriented vision on education.  The University of Groningen is a top-100 world university.
All programmes are accredited by the Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Organization (NVAO) and all degrees are internationally recognized.
The Faculty of Arts is the university’s most diverse faculty, with 15 Bachelor’s and over 40 Master’s degree programmes in the field of Archaeology, (Art) History, International Relations, Communication, Journalism, Language and Literary Studies and Linguistics. Also various regional studies are offered e.g. East Asian Studies, American Studies, European Integration, Middle Eastern Studies. Over 30 of the Master’s programmes we offer are completely taught in English. Over 5,000 students are currently participating in these programmes and the number of international students – degree as well as exchange students - is growing every year.
  • Akademis: min. ijazah S1/sederajat
  • Bahasa Inggris: skor iBT/IELTS bervariasi untuk tiap program, cek di halaman website program terkait
  • Pengalaman kerja: tidak wajib
  • Persyaratan lain: persyaratan penerimaan berbeda untuk tiap program dan tiap berkas pendaftaran akan ditelaah per individu pendaftar. Detail spesifik disebutkan di halaman website tiap program Master ( www.rug/nl/masters/in-english). Informasi tentang cara pendaftaran dan tentang studi serta tinggal di Groningen dan Belanda dapat dibaca di www.rug.nl/education/international-students/ . Kandidat perlu mendaftar aplikasi secara online pada program yang dituju terlebih dahulu, untuk dapat lanjut pada proses beasiswa. Detail aplikasi, lihat: www.rug.nl/education/international-students/application-procedure/ . Semua dokumen resmi harus dalam bahasa Inggris . Jika dalam Bahasa Indonesia, kandidat harus mengirimkan dokumen asli + terjemahan bersertifikat. Surat motivasi dan CV harus selalu dalam bahasa Inggris. Dokumen yang tidak lengkap tidak akan diproses untuk beasiswa, hanya calon dengan penerimaan tanpa syarat yang dapat melanjutkan proses aplikasi beasiswa.
Dokumen yang dibutuhkan
  • Formulir OTS
  • Bukti telah memulai pendaftaran / telah diterima di program Master di Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen
  • CV (dalam bahasa Inggris)
  • Motivation Letter (surat Motivasi)
Informasi lebih lanjut dan alamat
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen, bisa menghubungi:
Anja de Vries

+31 (0) 5036 35968
Untuk informasi mengenai Orange Tulip Scholarship Indonesia, mohon menghubungi
Nuffic Neso Indonesia

(021) 5290-2172
Klik di sini untuk mengunduh formulir pendaftaran OTS atau jika ingin membaca Frequently Asked Questions

Tio University of Applied Sciences

Tio University of Applied Sciences

Beasiswa untuk program Bachelor (S1) di Tio University of Applied Sciences

KotaAmsterdam dan/atau Utrecht
Program studi Bachelor Degree (program S1)
Informasi beasiswa
  • Jumlah: 2 (dua)
  • Jenis: potongan 50% biaya studi (tuition fee waiver) di tahun pertama
  • Nilai: Tiap beasiswa bernilai € 8,000
Deadline aplikasi 1 April 2017

Tio welcomes students from all over the world
Tio is proud of the fact that more and more international students find their way to Tio each year, which allows Tio’s already extensive international network to expand even more!
Tio’s recognized bachelor courses will prepare you for a career in business, e-commerce, event management and the hotel and tourism industry. Tio offers high quality education based on an unique concept: education in a small-scale environment, with personal attention for every student. Tio University has three bachelor courses: Hotel and event management, International tourism management and International Business Management. International student can choose either for the campus of Tio in Amsterdam or Utrecht. Both one of the most known and beautiful cities of The Netherlands.

Hotel and Event Management
Hospitality is hot! Welcome to the world of first class hotels and restaurants with star status, as well as festivals, concerts and sports events. HEM: the classic higher hotel management course in combination with event management.
International Tourism Management
Create holidays as a job! As a manager in tourism, you are selling the world. You put holiday packages together, purchase at attractive rates and establish worldwide contacts. ITM is your ‘boarding pass’ to the future.
International Business Management
The world nowadays revolves around trade. Establishing and maintaining international contacts. Seeing opportunities or creating them. IBM will bring you a step closer to international success.
Unduh  berikut
  • Akademis: min. lulus SMA
  • Bahasa Inggris: TOEFL iBT min. 80 atau IELTS min. 6
  • Pengalaman kerja: Pengalaman kerja tidak diperlukan
  • Informasi lainnya: Tio masih menerima mahasiswa tahun akademik 2016/2017 dengan persyaratan yang sama. Selain itu, penerima OTS akan menerima pelayanan dari universitas untuk pembuatan Visa, penginapan, dan asuransi.

Dokumen yang dibutuhkan
  • Formulir OTS
  • Bukti telah memulai pendaftaran / telah diterima di Tio University of Applied Sciences
  • CV dalam bahasa Inggris 

Informasi lebih lanjut dan alamat
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang Tio University of Applied Sciences dan program-program studi yang ditawarkan, bisa menghubungi:
Mr. M. Westerbrink

+31 (0)30 79 99 000
Untuk informasi mengenai Orange Tulip Scholarship Indonesia, mohon menghubungi
Nuffic Neso Indonesia

(021) 5290-2172
Klik di sini untuk mengunduh formulir pendaftaran OTS atau jika ingin membaca Frequently Asked Questions.

Tilburg University

Tilburg University

Beasiswa untuk program Master dari Tilburg University

Program studi Master satu tahun (one-year Masters programmes)
Informasi beasiswa
  • Jumlah: 5 (lima) dengan pembagian 1 beasiswa per fakultas (academic school)
  • Jenis: beasiswa pengurangan biaya studi hingga menjadi € 4.150 (Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences); € 4.150 (Tilburg School of Economics and Management);  € 4.150 (Tilburg School of Humanities); € 4.150 (Tilburg Law School); € 2.006 (Tilburg School of Catholic Theology). Sebagai tambahan , kandidat juga akan berkesempatan menerimaHolland Scholarship sebesar  € 5000 jika memenuhi persyaratan.
Deadline aplikasi 1 April 2017

Tilburg University
Choosing Tilburg University means choosing to study at one of Europe's most respected institutions. Tilburg University regularly takes a leading position in international rankings and is known for its international orientation, with students from 90 different countries currently studying here. Our mission is to inspire and challenge students, which is why we offer the highest standards in teaching, scientific research and campus facilities.
Tilburg University offers more than 40 graduate programs fully in English. Most programs (MA, MSc and LLM) take one year to complete: http://www.tilburguniversity.edu/education/masters-programmes.
With a population of nearly 200,000, Tilburg is the sixth largest city in the Netherlands. Over 27,000 students live in the city, which means that student life has an important impact on what happens in Tilburg. Many events, exhibitions and debates are organized for or by students.
Important note:
Tilburg University will provide one waiver each for Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Tilburg School of Economics and Management, Tilburg School of Humanities, Tilburg Law School, and Tilburg School of Catholic Theology.
OTS recipients from Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Tilburg Law School, Tilburg School of Humanities, and Tilburg School of Catholic Theology will also receive a Holland Scholarship. The amount of the Holland Scholarship for 2017-2018 will be € 5,000. Students can only be selected for the Holland Scholarship if they achieved excellent study results in the relevant (under)graduate program. As an indication, the student must have graduated (or can prove that he or she will graduate) with an average result of at least 8 (out of 10) or must be among the top 10% of his or her class. More information can be found here: https://www.tilburguniversity.edu/education/masters-programmes/scholarships/holland-scholarship/
  • Akademis: min. gelar S1 atau Bachelor
  • Bahasa Inggris: TOEFL iBT min. 90-91 / PBT min. 575 / CBT min. 233; atau IELTS min. 6.5 (min. 6.0 untuk tiap bagian); atau Cambridge Certificate min. CAE / CPE
  • GMAT/GRE: GMAT min. 600; GRE min. 75% (khusus untuk program yang mewajibkan skor GMAT/GRE. Cek www.tilburguniversity.edu/education/masters-programmes)
  • Pengalaman kerja: tidak wajib
  • Persyaratan tambahan: pendaftar wajib membaca website program studi yang dituju untuk informasi persyaratan pendaftaran, skor dan tes yang dibutuhkan, karena berbeda untuk tiap program studi. Cek www.tilburguniversity.edu/education/masters-programmes

Dokumen yang dibutuhkan
  • Formulir OTS
  • Bukti telah memulai pendaftaran / telah diterima di Tilburg University
  • CV (dalam bahasa Inggris)
  • 2 buah surat rekomendasi
Informasi lebih lanjut dan alamat
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang Tilburg University dan program-program studi yang ditawarkan, bisa menghubungi:
Annemarie Latour

+31 (0)13 466 8994 dapat dihubungi hari Senin dan Selasa (Mon-Tues)
Untuk informasi mengenai Orange Tulip Scholarship Indonesia, mohon menghubungi
Nuffic Neso Indonesia

(021) 5290-2172
Klik di sini untuk mengunduh formulir pendaftaran OTS atau jika ingin membaca Frequently Asked Questions.

The Hague University of Applied Sciences

The Hague University of Applied Sciences

Beasiswa untuk program Bachelor (S1) di The Hague University of Applied Sciences

KotaThe Hague / Den Haag
Program studi Bachelor Degree (program S1)
Informasi beasiswa
  • Jumlah: 5 (Lima)
  • Jenis: pemberian dalam bentuk tunai di tahun pertama
  • Nilai: Tiap beasiswa bernilai € 5,000
Deadline aplikasi 1 April 2017

The Hague University of Applied Sciences
We offer 5 scholarships per OTS country each worth EUR 5.000 to prospective bachelor degree students for the 2017-2018 academic year.
Our university is an educational united nations of 150 nationalities, where everyone speaks English. You will be taught by both local and international lecturers who have an easy way of interacting with students. The social contact among the students also makes for an enriching study period.
The Hague is the perfect home for our university, it is an international city that deserves its title - The International City of Peace & Justice. The vibrant seaside resort of Scheveningen, historic city centre and international diplomatic community all add to its international atmosphere.
Are you a Global citizen?
We are seeking young, intelligent, talented and ambitious people who view themselves as citizens of the world. If this sounds like you then check if you are eligible below and apply, all you need to do is complete the application form and write an essay of 950 to 1100 words that would convince us to award you the scholarship.
You are eligible to apply for one of these scholarships if:
• You come from outside the EU (and not from Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland or Surinam)
• You are enrolling for the first time and have not studied at any of the programmes The Hague University of Applied offers
• You are a first year student joining one of our bachelor programmes
• You would have to pay the full institutional tuition fee rate
• You have never applied for this scholarship scheme before
• You have been provisionally accepted also-called ‘offer of student position’ as a student on or before 31 March 2017
You also have to write an essay. When writing your essay, try picturing yourself as a member of this community. In the essay, describe your cultural background and explain why and how you can contribute to the multinational, multicultural beehive that is The Hague University of Applied Sciences.
For application and full requirements: www.thehagueuniversity.nl/scholarships
  • Akademis: min. lulus SMA
  • Bahasa Inggris: TOEFL iBT min. 550 atau IELTS min. 6
  • Pengalaman kerja: Pengalaman kerja tidak diperlukan
  • Informasi lainnya: OTS merupakan bagian dari The Hague University of Applied Sciences: World Citizen Talent Scholarship programme. Penerima OTS akan mendapatkan 5,000 dalam bentuk tunai, setelah tiba di Belanda dan setelah membayar biaya paket (biaya studi, visa, dll)

Dokumen yang dibutuhkan
  • Formulir OTS
  • Bukti telah memulai pendaftaran / telah diterima di The Hague University of Applied Sciences

Informasi lebih lanjut dan alamat
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang The Hague University of Applied Sciences dan program-program studi yang ditawarkan, bisa menghubungi:
Ms. Sigrid Segeren

+31 704458674
Untuk informasi mengenai Orange Tulip Scholarship Indonesia, mohon menghubungi
Nuffic Neso Indonesia

(021) 5290-2172
Klik di sini untuk mengunduh formulir pendaftaran OTS atau jika ingin membaca Frequently Asked Questions.

Study Group - Holland International Study Centre

Study Group - Holland International Study Centre

Beasiswa untuk Foundation year program di Study Group - Holland International Study Centre

Program studi Program Foundation (sebelum masuk program S1)
Informasi beasiswa
  • Jumlah: 1 (satu)
  • Jenis: beasiswa sebagian biaya studi (partial tuition fee waiver)
  • Nilai: € 5,000
Deadline aplikasi 1 April 2017

The Holland ISC partners with a range of universities in Holland. Our programmes provide access to degrees at partner universities ranging from Times Higher Education top 200 ranked research universities to the best Universities of Applied Sciences in the country.
Research Universities:
University of Groningen
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Twente University
Tilburg University
Universities of Applied Sciences:
Hanze University of Applied Science
The Hague University of Applied Science
Wittenborg University Amsterdam
Tilburg University
Our International Foundation Year programmes ensure you are ready to take on your degree with the skills and confidence to succeed.
Business & Management
This one-year programme will prepare you for a range of undergraduate business degrees. Modules you’ll study include Mathematics, Organisations & Behaviour, Microeconomics, Accounting & Finance, Marketing Intelligence and European Institutions.
Science & Engineering
This one-year programme will prepare you for a range of undergraduate science degrees. Modules you’ll study include Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics, Chemistry, Computing and Physics.
The Holland International Study Centre is where your educational journey in Holland begins.
  • Akademis: ijazah SMA/sederajat (bisa menyusul)
  • Bahasa Inggris: TOEFL iBT min 60 IELTS min. 5.0 (min 5.0 writing dan 4.5 di sub skor)
  • Persyaratan tambahan: melengkapi formulir pendaftaran Holland ISC 
Dokumen yang dibutuhkan
  • Formulir OTS
  • Bukti telah mendaftar* (dapat menyusul)

Informasi lebih lanjut dan alamat
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang Holland ISC dan program-program studi yang ditawarkan, bisa menghubungi:
Muhammad Sulaiman Bin Mohd Yasin

+65 6805 9715
Untuk informasi mengenai Orange Tulip Scholarship Indonesia, mohon menghubungi
Nuffic Neso Indonesia

(021) 5290-2172
Klik di sini untuk mengunduh formulir pendaftaran OTS atau jika ingin membaca Frequently Asked Questions.

Saxion University of Applied Sciences

Saxion University of Applied Sciences

Beasiswa untuk program Bachelor (S1) di Saxion University of Applied Sciences

Program studi semua program Bachelor
Informasi beasiswa
  • Jumlah: 2 (dua)
  • Jenis: beasiswa sebagian biaya studi di tahun pertama (partial tuition fee waiver)
  • Nilai: € 3,900 masing-masing penerima beasiswa
Deadline aplikasi 1 April 2017

Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Saxion University of Applied Sciences is a public university with a history of over 100 years. We are located in the East of the Netherlands on three campuses: Deventer, Enschede and Apeldoorn.
All of our international programmes are taught in English and a Dutch Bachelor or Master degree are recognised throughout the world.
Saxion offers a student-centred learning environment where students are trained in competences and acquire skills through active learning. You will be responsible for your own education process, helped by a portfolio and a personal development plan.
One of our focus points is embedding ‘Living Technology’ in our programmes and research. Whichever programme you choose to follow, whether in health care, business or creative technology, you will learn to use the technological developments in your field of study successfully. This includes working together with local businesses and students from other programmes to devise new solutions for real-life problems.
After your graduation Saxion Connect offers a unique opportunity for both international graduates and companies. The programme helps graduates to find their way on to the Dutch job market.
For more information visit our  www.saxion.edu/scholarships or ask questions on Facebook: fb.com/saxionuniversity
  • Akademis: ijazah SMA/sederajat 
  • Bahasa Inggris: TOEFL iBT min. 90 atau IELTS min. 6.5
  • Nilai rata-rata rapor: 75%
  • Persyaratan tambahan: Motivation Letter dibutuhkan

Dokumen yang dibutuhkan
  • Formulir OTS
  • Bukti telah memulai pendaftaran / telah diterima di Saxion University of Applied Sciences
  • CV (dalam bahasa Inggris)
  • Motivation Letter

Informasi lebih lanjut dan alamat
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang Saxion University of Applied Sciences dan program-program studi yang ditawarkan, bisa menghubungi:
Scholarships Office

+31 88 019 3125
Untuk informasi mengenai Orange Tulip Scholarship Indonesia, mohon menghubungi
Nuffic Neso Indonesia

(021) 5290-2172
Klik di sini untuk mengunduh formulir pendaftaran OTS atau jika ingin membaca Frequently Asked Questions.

Rotterdam Business School

Rotterdam Business School

Beasiswa program Master di Rotterdam Business School

Program studi
  • Master in Logistic Management
  • Master in Finance and Accounting (MSc)
  • Master in Consultancy and Entrepreneurship
Informasi beasiswa
  • Jumlah: 1 (satu)
  • Jenis: potongan biaya studi (tuition fee waiver) di tahun pertama
  • Nilai: € 3,000
Deadline aplikasi 1 April 2017

Rotterdam Business School
Rotterdam Business School is an expert in international business and management study programmes. Founded in 1990, Rotterdam Business School has been part of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences since 2002. our English-taught Master programmes prepare students for successful career in international business. we have roughly 1,000 students from over 40 countries, resulting in a constant exchange of cultures and experiences.
International Business begins here! The dynamic harbor city of Rotterdam offers the perfect location to embark on an international study career. Home to the largest port in Europe, Rotterdam has global trade and transport links. a major factor of our success is staying closely tuned to the pulse of the city. because Rotterdam Business School wants to be closely connected to society and teach students to link their knowledge and skills to a sense of social responsibility, we closely cooperate with businesses and organisations. this benefits both the practical field as well as the quality of our education.
Rotterdam Business School (RBS) is the international business faculty of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, one of the largest University of Higher Professional Education in the Netherlands.
RBS offers three one-year, full-time Specialised Master Programmes: Finance & Accounting, Logistics Management, and Consultancy & Entrepreneurship. Every September and February talented and motivated students from all over the world join these programmes. We provide programmes that are geared towards competency develompment. based on professional profiles students are stimulated to fortify their knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for specific positions in business. They do not only do so by means of lectures, but also by participating in exciting projects, cases and role-plays.
The Master programmes are offered two times a year in a quarter system running from September until August and from February until January. After the first three stages have been concluded successfully, the final stage is reserved for writing the thesis.
  • Akademis: ijazah S1 (diutamakan S1 di bidang bisnis dan sejenisnya)
  • Bahasa Inggris: TOEFL iBT min. 90 atau IELTS min. 6.5 
  • Pengalaman kerja: tidak wajib
  • Persyaratan lain: Kandidat yang mendapatkan OTS diwajibkan untuk menjadi bagian dari Student Ambassador di universitas selama satu tahun akademik. Student Ambassador merupakan representatif dari organisasi kemahasiswaan universitas yang memiliki aktifitas beragam untuk membantu mahasiswa internasional yang baru menjalani masa transisi tinggal dan belajar di Belanda.

Dokumen yang dibutuhkan
  • Formulir OTS
  • Bukti telah memulai pendaftaran/keterangan telah diterima di program tertuju
  • CV (dalam bahasa Inggris)
  • 1 surat rekomendasi

Informasi lebih lanjut dan alamat
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang Rotterdam Business School dan program-program studi yang ditawarkan, bisa menghubungi:
Admission Officer

+31 10794 6250
Untuk informasi mengenai Orange Tulip Scholarship Indonesia, mohon menghubungi
Nuffic Neso Indonesia

(021) 5290-2172
Klik di sini untuk mengunduh formulir pendaftaran OTS atau jika ingin membaca Frequently Asked Questions.

Radboud University

Radboud University

Beasiswa program Master berbahasa Inggris di Radboud University

Program studi Terbuka untuk semua program studi Master berbahasa Inggris, kecuali program Master Erasmus Mundus dan joint degree/double degree Master programmes, dan M theology
Informasi beasiswa
  • Jumlah: 1 (satu)
  • Jenis: potongan biaya studi (tuition fee waiver) + biaya visa + biaya asuransi
  • Nilai:  antara € 8,156 dan € 9,084 (potongan biaya studi); untuk biaya visa dan biaya asuransi sebesar biaya sebenarnya (actual cost) setelah potongan beasiswa siswa hanya akan membayarkan € 2,006
Deadline aplikasi 1 April 2017

Radboud University: a leading academic community
Renowned for its green campus in the oldest city of the Netherlands, Radboud University enrols over 19,000 students in more than 100 study programmes of which 8 Bachelor’s tracks and 37 Master’s programmes are fully taught in English. There are excellent opportunities to do PhD research. The university has an international focus, with more than 10% of students coming from abroad.
Small-scale classes and room for personal development
The University has adopted a student-oriented teaching style. Characteristics of this approach are instruction in study groups, the organisation of courses as a series of study tasks, and room for individual responsibility and independence. Radboud University encourages students to carry out research themselves, under supervision of a personal tutor and, above all, to look further than the confines of their own discipline. The Dutch university information guide ‘Keuzegids Universiteiten’ lists Radboud University as the best general university in the Netherlands.
Nobel Prize for Physics
Two professors connected to Radboud University won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2010. Professor Konstantin Novoselov and Professor Andre Geim won the prize for their research into the properties of grapheme, the thinnest material in the world.
Radboud University holds position 140 in the Times Higher Education World University, 118 in the ARWU/Shanghai Ranking.
Guaranteed accommodation
We guarantee housing for students enrolled in a Master’s degree programme who apply for admission before 1 April. International students can expect to receive a warm welcome during the orientation week, organised specifically to get to know the University, fellow students, and the city.
Nijmegen, a student-friendly city
Nijmegen lies in the heart of Western Europe, 1,5 hour away from the capital Amsterdam and a few hours from Paris, London and Berlin. It is the oldest city in the Netherlands, it’s history dates back to Roman times. Today it has some 170,000 inhabitants, 30,000 of whom are students. It is a true university city with a variety of restaurants and cafés. The city also offers a wide range of cultural activities. The cultural centre LUX - the largest art house in the Netherlands - also offers theatre, music, debate and multimedia. It is a friendly and safe place to live and study.
Important note
In order to receive the scholarship, you need to be admitted to a Master’s programme at Radboud University (and at the time of your scholarship application, you need to have at least applied). Please note that you need a non Dutch Bachelor’s degree from a research university (including a Bachelor’s thesis and methodology and statistics subjects) to be eligible.
Students holding a nationality that makes them eligible for the lower European tuition fees are excluded from receiving an Orange Tulip Scholarship. More information about tuition fee can be found at: https:/www.ru.nl/masters/tuition
The OTS is only available for master programmes with a starting date in September.
  • Akademis: gelar S1 atau Bachelor
  • Bahasa Inggris: iBT min. 90/ IELTS min. 6.5 / Cambridge Advanced Exam/Cambridge Proficiency Exam min.C (Harap cek ke halaman web tiap program Master untuk mengetahui jenis ujian Bahasa Inggris dan skor minimum yang dibutuhkan)
  • Pengalaman kerja: tidak wajib
  • Persyaratan tambahan: untuk dapat menerima beasiswa ini, pendaftar harus diterima di program Master di Radboud University (atau paling tidak saat mendaftar OTS, sudah mendaftar ke Radboud University). Minimal memiliki gelar S1 dari universitas riset (termasuk skripsi dan mengambil mata kuliah metodologi riset dan statistik).
Dokumen yang dibutuhkan
  • Formulir OTS
  • Bukti telah memulai pendaftaran / telah diterima di Radboud University
  • CV (dalam bahasa Inggris)
  • 2 buah surat rekomendasi
Informasi lebih lanjut dan alamat
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang Radboud University Nijmegen dan program-program studi yang ditawarkan, bisa menghubungi:
Maia Kiknadze
+31 24 361 2345
Untuk informasi mengenai Orange Tulip Scholarship Indonesia, mohon menghubungi
Nuffic Neso Indonesia

(021) 5290-2172
Klik di sini untuk mengunduh formulir pendaftaran OTS atau jika ingin membaca Frequently Asked Questions.